Can’t Write

Sometimes dating God leads you to a place where you just can’t express your mind and thoughts anymore.  So I found others that could do it for me.


Life's enjoyment

Life’s enjoyment

images-2 present-pain-is-temporary-477 cfa1d85e91a46e1d68a4e36fad11ddd6

closeup of a representation of the Jesus Christ crown of thorns and nail

closeup of a representation of the Jesus Christ crown of thorns and nail

images love images tumblr_ndpgatFYrE1sjw060o1_500 Emotion-Quotes-84 4d2d75b88d343c65a383865035840180 tumblr_ma0u442Ssr1r7p3i3o1_500 tumblr_nekxwcGhWp1tua5gvo1_500 tumblr_masbzawpeW1r7p3i3o1_500 Sad-Hearbreak-Depressing-Quotes-some-of-the-most-painful-scars 1332934903-greatest-pain 760f0774056ce97de323ed80d853aaa8 75764_20140217_184253_15125_644761422236998_201303675_n img_1624 emotional-pain-quotes-4 12003925_1215880188427092_3868959024420867494_n

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