Driving Date

This morning while making the 1.5 hour long circuit to drop my 3 kids off at school, God suddenly took me on a date while driving!!  Besides serenading me with His music, he gave me a most asked for, but not anticipated gift.  For several weeks now I have been asking my Lord for His voice.  For a gift from Him, something to assure me in a most tangible way that He hears me.  I didn’t go as far as asking to see Him or feel the wounds on his hands (but thank you Thomas for doing so) I just really needed Him.

As I am sitting in carpool line waiting 25 minutes to be able to let the last of my children out into the world of learning, a message pops up on Facebook…”Hey Jenn,”.  You’re thinking…”yeah you, you got a message, so what?”  The “so what” is that it was a message from God…and I have literally been chatting with Jesus in my prayer on how much I wish I could hear that tone that I have a message and see that it was from Him!  Come on Jesus, just one little text, please!  Now before you send me to be evaluated while being hugged in a nice white jacket, do let me me expound.

This out of the blue message is from a fantastic friend I have had since high school.  It has been a long time since we have spoken or written each other, but I have always followed and “liked” posts that have been shared.  I give prayer to and praise for the things happening in the life of my friend.  Definitely a Saint that will praise God alongside of me for eternity in heaven.

The thing about this message that gave me cause to abruptly inhale and hold my breath while reading it, was that God was speaking directly to me through my friend.  “Just a quick note to say “hi” and I hope you are doing well.  You have been in my thoughts and prayers during this time.  Chin up and know that God has good things in store for you in the future.  Continue to follow His lead and let Him be the one that brings fulfillment and wholeness to your life”  Followed by the ever loved smiley face emoticon.  🙂  No way!  God messaged me directly through the words of a friend who let me know I was on their mind and in their prayers!  All that I was secretly hoping for.  (Well, nothing is a secret to God)  To know that someone out their had me in their thoughts and than lifted me up to Jesus.  I’m certain every single person desires to be on someone’s mind.  I was given the gift of KNOWING this.

But what made this little message I received such a big deal?  Something so profound that I had a great urge to write about it?  It was the realization that the tiniest of works even by unseen Saints have cosmic influences on the Kingdom. I LOVE Henri Nouwen and cannot wait to chat with him forever too.  His Letters to Marc about Jesus has an amazing section in it entitled, “The Hidden God”.  Nouwen states,  “Maybe while we focus our whole attention on the VIPs and their movements, on peace conferences and protest demonstrations, it’s the totally unknown people, praying and working in silence, who make God save us yet again from destruction.”  And this is exactly what occurred this morning.  My friend felt the nudge to let me know I am seen, heard and prayed for.  God was giving me the tangible evidence I was yearning for through one of His children.  God’s Kingdom is advancing, evil is being pushed back and it is through the millions of Saints around the world, hidden and unknown, that provide the impetus of change, healing, recovery and redemption to occur.

Thank you Jesus for the date in the car while driving.  Thank you for your message.  I received it through one of your very own!

“And yet we know that everyone who has allowed God’s love to enter into his or her heart has not only become a better human being, but has also contributed significantly to making a better world. The lives of the saints show us that. And so I say, make room in your heart for God and let God cherish you. There you can be alone with God. There heart speaks to heart and there in that holy seclusion the new person will be born in you.”

Excerpt From: Henri J. M. Nouwen. “Letters to Marc About Jesus.” iBooks. https://itun.es/us/VYLFv.l8ee999fbbbe0215249b00c67861f0da9 art,blackandwhite,hiddenbeauty,street,type-504ae638375b54dcff86a7b4a4db03a2_h